Susmita Datta

Professor & University Scholar     
Department of Bioinformatics & Biostatistics
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
(502) 852 0081 
(502) 852 3294

My research interests include Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Statistical Issues in Population Biology, Statistical Genetics, Infectious Disease Modeling and Survival Analysis. In Bioinformatics span of my research includes transcriptomics (microarray data analysis), proteomics (analysis of MALDI-MS, MALDI-MS/MS, SELDI data), and metabolomics. In a nutshell, my current research involves development of new methodology for high dimensional data analysis using modern multivariate clustering/classification techniques and statistical inference. I am partially involved in biomarker identification of cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. I have generated my own proteomic data to detect biomarker of fetal alcohol related disorder. I am involved in collaborative research with interdisciplinary scientists from Biochemistry, Biology, Bioengineering, Public Health and Computer scientists.


CAMDA 2013 -  Please tell your friends


I am the current president of the Caucus for Women in Statistics

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